The transition in the number of views of 'ザック / 仕事を辞めた30歳一人旅' latest and popular videos (30 days)

ザック / 仕事を辞めた30歳一人旅

登録者数(Sub) : 69,200 +2,900
再生数(Views) : 13,943,839 +931,700


3.32% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
06/09 2,641 38 2 40 63,162 2,088 153 2,241 3.55%
06/10 553 5 2 7 63,715 2,093 155 2,248 3.53%
06/11 400 7 0 7 64,115 2,100 155 2,255 3.52%
06/12 607 7 -2 5 64,722 2,107 153 2,260 3.49%
06/13 405 9 0 9 65,127 2,116 153 2,269 3.48%
06/14 268 1 1 2 65,395 2,117 154 2,271 3.47%
06/15 288 2 0 2 65,683 2,119 154 2,273 3.46%
06/16 257 1 0 1 65,940 2,120 154 2,274 3.45%
06/17 539 2 0 2 66,479 2,122 154 2,276 3.42%
06/18 252 1 0 1 66,731 2,123 154 2,277 3.41%
06/19 206 4 0 4 66,937 2,127 154 2,281 3.41%
06/20 239 3 0 3 67,176 2,130 154 2,284 3.40%
06/21 173 2 0 2 67,349 2,132 154 2,286 3.39%
06/22 218 3 0 3 67,567 2,135 154 2,289 3.39%
06/23 312 7 2 9 67,879 2,142 156 2,298 3.39%
06/24 234 7 0 7 68,113 2,149 156 2,305 3.38%
06/25 184 2 0 2 68,297 2,151 156 2,307 3.38%
06/26 192 2 0 2 68,489 2,153 156 2,309 3.37%
06/27 220 3 -1 2 68,709 2,156 155 2,311 3.36%
07/01 946 12 0 12 69,655 2,168 155 2,323 3.33%
07/02 174 3 1 4 69,829 2,171 156 2,327 3.33%
07/03 144 2 0 2 69,973 2,173 156 2,329 3.33%
07/04 150 1 0 1 70,123 2,174 156 2,330 3.32%