The transition in the number of views of 'ザック / 仕事を辞めた30歳一人旅' latest and popular videos (30 days)

ザック / 仕事を辞めた30歳一人旅

登録者数(Sub) : 69,200 +2,900
再生数(Views) : 13,943,839 +931,700


3.22% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
06/05 29,723 1,614 130 1,744 29,723 1,614 130 1,744 5.87%
06/08 25,260 584 26 610 54,983 2,198 156 2,354 4.28%
06/09 3,542 44 2 46 58,525 2,242 158 2,400 4.10%
06/10 3,399 42 7 49 61,924 2,284 165 2,449 3.95%
06/11 2,324 42 11 53 64,248 2,326 176 2,502 3.89%
06/12 2,285 29 1 30 66,533 2,355 177 2,532 3.81%
06/13 939 9 0 9 67,472 2,364 177 2,541 3.77%
06/14 937 13 0 13 68,409 2,377 177 2,554 3.73%
06/15 1,006 13 1 14 69,415 2,390 178 2,568 3.70%
06/16 1,024 7 0 7 70,439 2,397 178 2,575 3.66%
06/17 1,666 26 2 28 72,105 2,423 180 2,603 3.61%
06/18 1,075 10 1 11 73,180 2,433 181 2,614 3.57%
06/19 1,319 22 0 22 74,499 2,455 181 2,636 3.54%
06/20 700 9 0 9 75,199 2,464 181 2,645 3.52%
06/21 797 8 0 8 75,996 2,472 181 2,653 3.49%
06/22 771 8 0 8 76,767 2,480 181 2,661 3.47%
06/23 1,033 11 0 11 77,800 2,491 181 2,672 3.43%
06/24 1,138 14 3 17 78,938 2,505 184 2,689 3.41%
06/25 679 9 0 9 79,617 2,514 184 2,698 3.39%
06/26 901 9 0 9 80,518 2,523 184 2,707 3.36%
06/27 646 11 0 11 81,164 2,534 184 2,718 3.35%
07/01 2,788 33 0 33 83,952 2,567 184 2,751 3.28%
07/02 563 1 0 1 84,515 2,568 184 2,752 3.26%
07/03 604 4 1 5 85,119 2,572 185 2,757 3.24%
07/04 635 5 0 5 85,754 2,577 185 2,762 3.22%