The transition in the number of views of 'Junya.じゅんや' latest and popular videos (30 days)



Subscribers : 35,500,000 +800,000
Views : 21,494,687,166 +332,817,685

junya1gou funny video 😂😂😂

2.27% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
04/12 2,139,838 49,890 315 50,205 9,008,923 191,182 995 192,177 2.13%
04/15 671,703 16,457 111 16,568 9,680,626 207,639 1,106 208,745 2.16%
04/16 319,640 7,780 43 7,823 10,000,266 215,419 1,149 216,568 2.17%
04/17 197,893 4,716 26 4,742 10,198,159 220,135 1,175 221,310 2.17%
04/18 146,024 3,401 19 3,420 10,344,183 223,536 1,194 224,730 2.17%
04/19 169,659 4,080 27 4,107 10,513,842 227,616 1,221 228,837 2.18%
04/22 486,114 11,955 89 12,044 10,999,956 239,571 1,310 240,881 2.19%
04/23 97,794 2,390 16 2,406 11,097,750 241,961 1,326 243,287 2.19%
04/25 533,164 14,026 75 14,101 11,630,914 255,987 1,401 257,388 2.21%
04/26 174,519 4,839 44 4,883 11,805,433 260,826 1,445 262,271 2.22%
04/27 154,420 4,048 32 4,080 11,959,853 264,874 1,477 266,351 2.23%
04/28 101,757 2,752 16 2,768 12,061,610 267,626 1,493 269,119 2.23%
04/30 440,045 11,793 94 11,887 12,501,655 279,419 1,587 281,006 2.25%
05/01 150,524 4,105 1 4,106 12,652,179 283,524 1,588 285,112 2.25%
05/02 199,744 4,874 29 4,903 12,851,923 288,398 1,617 290,015 2.26%
05/03 153,380 4,328 30 4,358 13,005,303 292,726 1,647 294,373 2.26%
05/04 84,892 2,009 15 2,024 13,090,195 294,735 1,662 296,397 2.26%
05/05 73,881 2,074 12 2,086 13,164,076 296,809 1,674 298,483 2.27%