The transition in the number of views of 'クマーバチャンネル ' latest and popular videos (30 days)


登録者数(Sub) : 502,000 +4,000
再生数(Views) : 846,080,912 +8,632,226

【うた&ダンス】ゆかいなまきば〈振り付き>★こども・童謡・手遊び・キッズ・ダンスapanese Children's Song, Nursery Rhymes

0.15% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
06/15 841 11 0 11 841 11 0 11 1.31%
06/16 1,158 2 0 2 1,999 13 0 13 0.65%
06/17 662 1 0 1 2,661 14 0 14 0.53%
06/18 396 1 0 1 3,057 15 0 15 0.49%
06/19 547 1 0 1 3,604 16 0 16 0.44%
06/20 457 0 0 0 4,061 16 0 16 0.39%
07/01 11,077 9 0 9 15,138 25 0 25 0.17%
07/03 1,444 1 0 1 16,582 26 0 26 0.16%
07/04 490 1 0 1 17,072 27 0 27 0.16%
07/05 537 0 0 0 17,609 27 0 27 0.15%
07/06 614 2 0 2 18,223 29 0 29 0.16%
07/07 704 0 0 0 18,927 29 0 29 0.15%