The transition in the number of views of 'クマーバチャンネル ' latest and popular videos (30 days)


登録者数(Sub) : 502,000 +4,000
再生数(Views) : 846,080,912 +8,632,226

【アニメ】クマーバ第12話「元の世界へレッツゴー!」【切り抜き①】#アニメ#テレ東#shorts #クマーバ

0.42% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
06/24 827 16 0 16 827 16 0 16 1.93%
06/25 497 7 0 7 1,324 23 0 23 1.74%
06/26 276 4 0 4 1,600 27 0 27 1.69%
06/27 156 1 0 1 1,756 28 0 28 1.59%
07/01 3,536 6 0 6 5,292 34 0 34 0.64%
07/02 677 4 0 4 5,969 38 0 38 0.64%
07/03 701 0 0 0 6,670 38 0 38 0.57%
07/04 730 0 0 0 7,400 38 0 38 0.51%
07/05 711 0 0 0 8,111 38 0 38 0.47%
07/06 834 1 0 1 8,945 39 0 39 0.44%
07/07 692 1 0 1 9,637 40 0 40 0.42%