The transition in the number of views of 'HikakinTV' latest and popular videos (30 days)



Subscribers : 16,000,000 +2,400,000
Views : 12,470,503,692 +138,763,528

超巨大メントスコーラ砲 #Shorts

1.84% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
04/13 -4,379,979 -75,182 -898 -76,080 269,426 9,290 348 9,638 3.58%
04/16 704,556 16,332 302 16,634 973,982 25,622 650 26,272 2.70%
04/17 336,490 5,613 100 5,713 1,310,472 31,235 750 31,985 2.44%
04/18 301,865 6,058 55 6,113 1,612,337 37,293 805 38,098 2.36%
04/19 409,118 6,485 57 6,542 2,021,455 43,778 862 44,640 2.21%
04/22 984,155 13,161 105 13,266 3,005,610 56,939 967 57,906 1.93%
05/01 894,934 13,301 155 13,456 3,900,544 70,240 1,122 71,362 1.83%
05/02 81,114 1,666 16 1,682 3,981,658 71,906 1,138 73,044 1.83%
05/05 246,306 5,054 38 5,092 4,227,964 76,960 1,176 78,136 1.85%
05/06 188,493 3,702 26 3,728 4,416,457 80,662 1,202 81,864 1.85%
05/07 135,426 2,262 28 2,290 4,551,883 82,924 1,230 84,154 1.85%
05/09 71,062 1,046 14 1,060 4,622,945 83,970 1,244 85,214 1.84%