The transition in the number of views of 'キヨ。' latest and popular videos (30 days)



Subscribers : 4,800,000 +40,000
Views : 5,426,754,969 +58,577,410

まさかの大型アップデートされ超激ムズになった昔のPCゲーム『 エアホッケー 』

2.82% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
04/16 159,640 2,752 202 2,954 1,713,224 48,306 4,522 52,828 3.08%
04/17 25,287 440 19 459 1,738,511 48,746 4,541 53,287 3.07%
04/18 20,701 283 12 295 1,759,212 49,029 4,553 53,582 3.05%
04/19 19,847 220 12 232 1,779,059 49,249 4,565 53,814 3.02%
04/20 32,431 487 29 516 1,811,490 49,736 4,594 54,330 3.00%
04/21 9,204 97 9 106 1,820,694 49,833 4,603 54,436 2.99%
04/24 51,662 697 57 754 1,872,356 50,530 4,660 55,190 2.95%
04/25 7,806 83 0 83 1,880,162 50,613 4,660 55,273 2.94%
04/30 53,971 685 42 727 1,934,133 51,298 4,702 56,000 2.90%
05/08 64,831 828 35 863 1,998,964 52,126 4,737 56,863 2.84%
05/12 24,255 337 10 347 2,023,219 52,463 4,747 57,210 2.83%
05/14 5,847 67 3 70 2,029,066 52,530 4,750 57,280 2.82%