The transition in the number of views of '月ノ美兎' latest and popular videos (30 days)



Subscribers : 1,200,000 +10,000
Views : 431,073,561 +10,528,093

💞Girlish Lover #歌ってみた #踊ってみた

11.88% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
04/20 168,440 18,710 375 19,085 225,924 32,111 837 32,948 14.58%
04/24 28,996 2,557 47 2,604 254,920 34,668 884 35,552 13.95%
04/25 4,401 325 7 332 259,321 34,993 891 35,884 13.84%
05/01 40,570 3,155 39 3,194 299,891 38,148 930 39,078 13.03%
05/04 13,178 848 16 864 313,069 38,996 946 39,942 12.76%
05/08 15,946 1,063 12 1,075 329,015 40,059 958 41,017 12.47%
05/10 8,147 534 3 537 337,162 40,593 961 41,554 12.32%
05/12 5,056 319 5 324 342,218 40,912 966 41,878 12.24%
05/13 4,895 333 3 336 347,113 41,245 969 42,214 12.16%
05/14 9,978 782 6 788 357,091 42,027 975 43,002 12.04%
05/16 10,012 704 9 713 367,103 42,731 984 43,715 11.91%