The transition in the number of views of '月ノ美兎' latest and popular videos (30 days)



Subscribers : 1,200,000 +10,000
Views : 431,073,561 +10,528,093


5.23% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
04/20 44,717 1,113 6 1,119 959,234 62,507 445 62,952 6.56%
04/24 360,090 16,310 49 16,359 1,319,324 78,817 494 79,311 6.01%
04/25 16,608 440 1 441 1,335,932 79,257 495 79,752 5.97%
04/30 235,268 8,529 38 8,567 1,571,200 87,786 533 88,319 5.62%
05/01 13,505 331 1 332 1,584,705 88,117 534 88,651 5.59%
05/03 45,617 1,542 -1 1,541 1,630,322 89,659 533 90,192 5.53%
05/04 12,973 354 0 354 1,643,295 90,013 533 90,546 5.51%
05/07 65,738 2,176 3 2,179 1,709,033 92,189 536 92,725 5.43%
05/09 33,496 1,105 2 1,107 1,742,529 93,294 538 93,832 5.38%
05/10 5,534 158 2 160 1,748,063 93,452 540 93,992 5.38%
05/11 12,071 355 5 360 1,760,134 93,807 545 94,352 5.36%
05/12 14,725 408 4 412 1,774,859 94,215 549 94,764 5.34%
05/13 9,895 408 1 409 1,784,754 94,623 550 95,173 5.33%
05/14 7,010 188 0 188 1,791,764 94,811 550 95,361 5.32%
05/15 16,762 639 4 643 1,808,526 95,450 554 96,004 5.31%
05/18 73,921 2,882 6 2,888 1,882,447 98,332 560 98,892 5.25%
05/19 18,298 508 4 512 1,900,745 98,840 564 99,404 5.23%