The transition in the number of views of 'Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン' latest and popular videos (30 days)

Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン

Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン

Subscribers : 3,170,000 +40,000
Views : 1,091,229,494 +34,269,185


8.80% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
04/22 1,114,847 98,263 418 98,681 1,300,328 129,002 998 130,000 10.00%
04/30 348,572 24,259 61 24,320 1,648,900 153,261 1,059 154,320 9.36%
05/01 25,317 1,533 -4 1,529 1,674,217 154,794 1,055 155,849 9.31%
05/03 22,029 1,135 11 1,146 1,696,246 155,929 1,066 156,995 9.26%
05/04 22,977 1,234 5 1,239 1,719,223 157,163 1,071 158,234 9.20%
05/05 19,356 1,111 3 1,114 1,738,579 158,274 1,074 159,348 9.17%
05/10 70,103 3,744 8 3,752 1,808,682 162,018 1,082 163,100 9.02%
05/11 17,621 1,177 2 1,179 1,826,303 163,195 1,084 164,279 9.00%
05/14 54,931 3,140 10 3,150 1,881,234 166,335 1,094 167,429 8.90%
05/16 13,898 775 3 778 1,895,132 167,110 1,097 168,207 8.88%