The transition in the number of views of 'Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン' latest and popular videos (30 days)

Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン

Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン

Subscribers : 3,170,000 +40,000
Views : 1,091,229,494 +34,269,185


9.65% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
05/06 -1,481,796 -135,053 -512 -135,565 80,980 15,222 302 15,524 19.17%
05/07 165,450 16,322 114 16,436 246,430 31,544 416 31,960 12.97%
05/08 44,727 4,874 27 4,901 291,157 36,418 443 36,861 12.66%
05/09 69,168 7,539 28 7,567 360,325 43,957 471 44,428 12.33%
05/10 90,993 8,974 38 9,012 451,318 52,931 509 53,440 11.84%
05/11 67,059 6,177 24 6,201 518,377 59,108 533 59,641 11.51%
05/13 220,627 19,590 50 19,640 739,004 78,698 583 79,281 10.73%
05/14 60,443 5,759 18 5,777 799,447 84,457 601 85,058 10.64%
05/15 71,481 5,742 21 5,763 870,928 90,199 622 90,821 10.43%
05/16 266,303 26,025 79 26,104 1,137,231 116,224 701 116,925 10.28%
05/17 116,896 7,618 20 7,638 1,254,127 123,842 721 124,563 9.93%
05/18 222,325 18,791 69 18,860 1,476,452 142,633 790 143,423 9.71%
05/19 92,177 7,891 25 7,916 1,568,629 150,524 815 151,339 9.65%