The transition in the number of views of 'Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン' latest and popular videos (30 days)

Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン

Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン

Subscribers : 3,170,000 +40,000
Views : 1,091,229,494 +34,269,185

III踊ってみた!!!Koboと😎#shorts #iiichallenge

9.63% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
05/08 -788,665 -66,689 -221 -66,910 141,179 22,421 427 22,848 16.18%
05/09 213,079 21,278 105 21,383 354,258 43,699 532 44,231 12.49%
05/10 72,569 6,258 17 6,275 426,827 49,957 549 50,506 11.83%
05/11 31,033 2,823 11 2,834 457,860 52,780 560 53,340 11.65%
05/12 54,210 4,779 22 4,801 512,070 57,559 582 58,141 11.35%
05/13 36,866 3,314 3 3,317 548,936 60,873 585 61,458 11.20%
05/14 34,514 3,971 7 3,978 583,450 64,844 592 65,436 11.22%
05/15 44,058 1,875 10 1,885 627,508 66,719 602 67,321 10.73%
05/16 73,126 6,136 15 6,151 700,634 72,855 617 73,472 10.49%
05/17 88,141 6,712 10 6,722 788,775 79,567 627 80,194 10.17%
05/18 109,622 7,506 19 7,525 898,397 87,073 646 87,719 9.76%
05/19 39,641 2,630 2 2,632 938,038 89,703 648 90,351 9.63%