The transition in the number of views of '原神-Genshin-公式' latest and popular videos (30 days)



Subscribers : 1,870,000 +30,000
Views : 518,140,693 +15,173,419


5.09% engagement rate

Bar graph that shows the transition in data for 30 days

The transition in the data of views for 30 days
The transition in the data of engagement for 30 days

Data for 30 days

Daily Total
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Views Likes Comments Engagement
Engagement rate
04/27 -175,078 -5,244 -84 -5,328 86,988 7,781 218 7,999 9.20%
04/30 81,376 3,353 197 3,550 168,364 11,134 415 11,549 6.86%
05/01 8,832 264 -142 122 177,196 11,398 273 11,671 6.59%
05/03 9,242 216 3 219 186,438 11,614 276 11,890 6.38%
05/04 6,326 128 2 130 192,764 11,742 278 12,020 6.24%
05/05 6,153 128 7 135 198,917 11,870 285 12,155 6.11%
05/07 5,510 90 3 93 204,427 11,960 288 12,248 5.99%
05/09 36,454 620 7 627 240,881 12,580 295 12,875 5.34%
05/11 11,637 172 3 175 252,518 12,752 298 13,050 5.17%
05/12 -1,036 94 1 95 251,482 12,846 299 13,145 5.23%
05/14 8,904 158 3 161 260,386 13,004 302 13,306 5.11%